Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dispatch #1: Doing the Work

Few things must annoy professional writers like the label “aspiring writer”.  Certainly there are those who deserve the title; those who are constantly scribbling or typing ideas for stories down, writing drafts, or just devouring stories for inspiration and guidance.  But there is a certain portion of people who call themselves writers who never actually get around to writing.  This seems to happen a lot in artistic fields, as no one could call themselves a lawyer just because they thought about law a lot.  Yet a portion of people in art claim to be a thing without actually doing it.  I have often been in this position.

I used to maintain a blog where I’d post TV reviews for popular genre shows.  It went on for about five years, although the last couple years I was less prolific and eventually stopped almost 2 ½ years ago.  But I’d still consider myself a writer of sorts, even though my output said otherwise.

Then came last November and the National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo.  I challenged myself to crank out a rough draft of a story I had been kicking around in my head for a few years.  I succeeded by writing over 50,000 of an unreadable pile of garbage, but one that had some potential of being readable a couple of drafts down the line.

The first couple of months this year have been defined by me outlining and re-outlining and drafting characters.  Doing this has lead me to a deeper appreciation for writers of any novel, especially those that are incredibly dense with casts of hundreds of characters.  But it hasn’t made me getting a second draft done any quicker.  Upon trying Camp Nanowrimo, another program they host in the spring, I hit a wall only a couple pages in and never recovered.  Maybe I am being hard on myself, as I am closer to calling myself a writer with no reservations than I ever was before.

Ultimately I want to shed the stigma of the “aspiring writer” by getting back in the habit of writing regularly.  This blog will be the stuff fit for public consumption: reviews, commentary, musings etc.  Also continue with my reading, which I have gotten back into the habit of doing.  Because in life, you can only aspire for so long.  Eventually you’ll have to put in the work.


  1. Believe me -- I can TOTALLY relate to the ASPIRING WRITER/ACTUAL WRITER issue, as it was something that ate at me for the longest time as well. It's awesome to see this declaration of "writing regularly", and I'm definitely looking forward to your future blogs!

  2. I, for one, am excited to hear more about your novel and hopefully getting to read it one day. That's really awesome. Sometimes you have to step away in order to come back to it with new inspiration. That happens to me all the time. Good luck! Looking forward to reading more of your posts. :)

  3. Hi Matt, as a writer for many years I've finally recognised that the thing that separates those that succeed to those that don't is the 'zitsfleisch'. The ability to sit in front of the keyboard ... until you can't anymore.

    I have an eBook publishing venture going at the moment. Please get back to me at my email address, I want to discuss with you the opportunity to reuse some of the content from your TV review blog. May not make a fortune out of it ... but at a minimum it will guarantee you further exposure. Cheers John
